Curriculum Vitae


PhD. in Geography expected August 2025, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC

  • Supervisor: Dr. Jennifer Williams

  • Dissertation title: “Incorporating understudied factors in demographic responses to climate: Reproductive trade-offs, intraspecific density, and invasive species”

B.A. in Environmental Analysis: Science Concentration with Honors, Pitzer College, Claremont CA (2018)

  • Thesis title: “Preliminary examination of seed predator preference in California sage scrub: implications for ecological resistance” Now published here


(In Review) Loesberg, J.A. & J.L. Williams. Seasonal climate drives population growth but not costs of reproduction of a perennial wildflower. Submitted to Ecology

(In Review) Clark, J.; Siren, A.; Loesberg, J.; Morelli, T.L. SiMPL Wildlife Magnet: A camera trap tool for detecting all creatures great and small. Submitted to Ecology and Evolution

Hesketh, A*.; Loesberg, J.*; Bledsoe, E.; Karst, J.; Macdonald, E. 2022. Seasonal and annual dynamics of western Canadian boreal forest plant communities: a legacy dataset spanning four decades. Ecology 103:11.
* indicates equal contribution

Loesberg, J.A. & W.M. Meyer. 2021. Granivory in California sage scrub: implications for plant invasions and ecosystem conservation. Plant Ecology 222: 1089-1100.

Caspi, T.; L.A. Hartz; A.E. Soto Villa; J.A. Loesberg; C.R. Robins; Meyer, W.M. 2019. Impacts of invasive annuals on soil carbon and nitrogen storage in southern California depend on the identity of the invader. Ecology and Evolution 9(8): 1-14.


Certificate in Data Management and Reproducible Research, Canadian Institute of Ecology and Evolution (2022)

Research Experience

Living Data Project Intern, Canadian Institute of Ecology and Evolution (CIEE): 2020-2021. Learn more about this project here and here.

Graduate Research Assistant, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC: 2019 - Current

Field Technician, with Toni Lyn Morelli & Alexej Siren, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA: 2017

Research Technician, with Wallace Meyer III, Pomona College, Claremont CA: 2017-2018

Lab Assistant, with Diane Thomson, Keck Science Center, Claremont CA: 2017

Field Technician, Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge, Mora NM: 2016

Doris Duke Conservation Scholar, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff AZ: 2016 - 2018

Lab Assistant, with Branwen Williams, Keck Science Center, Claremont CA: 2015 - 2018

’Imi i ka Lama Collegiate Intern, Endangered Wildlife Management Division, Haleakalā National Park, Maui HI: 2015

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, UBC, Vancouver BC (2019 – Current)

  • Our Changing Environment: Climate and Ecosystems (GEOB102)

  • Introduction to Biogeography (GEOS 207)

  • Paleoecology: Lessons for the Anthropocene (GEOS 306)

  • Biogeography and Global Change (GEOS 307)

  • Vegetation Dynamics: Disturbance, Climate and Human Impacts (GEOS 407)

Teaching Assistant, Keck Science Center, Claremont CA (2016 - 2018)

  • Introductory Biology Lab (BIO44L)

  • Science and the Environment Lab (EA30L)


Erin McHugh – Field assistant; career and academic mentorship (2023) Currently: MSc student at University of Toronto

Bellie Zhu – Lab assistant; mentorship on summer fellowship project (effect of herbivory on annual forb fitness) (2023) Currently: MSc student at Columbia University

Ria Raut - Field and lab assistant; mentorship on summer fellowship project (effect of herbivory on annual forb fitness) (2022) Currently: PhD student at UC Berkeley

Lindsay Worden – Field assistant (2022) Currently: MSc student at University of Victoria

Piper Battersby – Field assistant; career and academic mentorship; mentorship on summer internship projects: creating a grass identification guide for the field site and estimating the effect of phenology on seed production (2021-2023)


2024 Talk: Ecological Society of America, Long Beach, CA

2024 Talk: Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution, Vancouver BC

2023 Poster: Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team Meeting, Victoria, BC

2023 Talk: Biodiversity Research Centre Ecology and Evolution Retreat, Brakendale, BC

2023 Talk: Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR

2018 Poster: Keck Science Department Thesis Seminar, Claremont CA


Department of Geography Graduate Student Travel Award (UBC, 2024)

Graduate Student Travel Award (UBC, 2024)

Four Year Fellowship (UBC, 2021-2025)

Four Year Fellowship Tuition Award (UBC, 2021-2025)

President’s Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award (UBC, 2020-2025)

International Student Tuition Award (UBC, 2019-2025)

Graduate Student Initiative Award (UBC, 2019-2021)

Americorps National Service Award (2015)

Pitzer Scholarship (Pitzer College, 2014-2018)

Working Groups

Linking climate & demography – Rice University, December 2023 - Reviewing and synthesizing methods to link climatic and demographic data, with a focus on scaling effects of climate to population dynamics

Discussion Groups

Organizer of Florum, a plant ecology discussion group at the Biodiversity Research Centre – Fall 2024 & Spring 2025

Granivores (California Towhee and kangaroo rat) visiting seed depots